Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Days that never end

I truly don't want to repeat a day like this. Now that I am finally in the house and have eaten something I feel sick.  It was a long hot day in which I didn't feel like I accomplished anything much.  Two families showed up at the same time to look at the house which was interesting.

I think the one family looks like they belong there, the children really wanted to be their too. So, faith in what is best will happen. 

The day was not without humor and fun but I am too tired to post the whole story tonight. I will write tomorrow morning when I am fresh as I have to put a twist on it. Folsom Prison Blues comes to mind (inside joke). 

With that, I bid you goodnight!

Hot, Hot and Hot

Fed the horses and then did a pet sit.  A gentleman from Cleveland came to look at the house today and said he'd talk it over with his wife. I liked him the best so far because he wants to move out of Cleveland and he had a lot of ideas that would work out for the old house. He also said the deposit was no problem. There are folks coming tonight for a second visit who are nice but it sounds like money may be an issue. No call back about the horse stall.

The little pony and mini went into the little area where sawdust is supposed to go in the arena. I fly sprayed everyone and got them ready to go out. They all had to sniff the little guys and I had to chase Cody out of the arena he didn't want to leave them. I wish they could go too but it is too dangerous because of their size. It will all work out for everybody in a week or two. I am hoping Cody will bond with the bigger herd and maybe him and Satire can be buddies.

I have to take Buttons to the vet this afternoon because he has an abscess that drains but won't heal. Tonight I have to get lots of homework done. I am hoping that the house will be rented by the end of today.

Yes, it's hot and I really would like it not to be anymore. It is miserable for humans and animals alike. We need a really good rain, one that will last a couple of days and make things a little greener and less dusty.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Evening Post

Horses came in around 6:00 today. They were tired and ready to go into their stalls. Rauls was first and then LA. The others came in as a group and guess what.... Satire was part of the group. Satire came, Cody, Echo and Preacher.

The horse about town Preacher didn't go out with his fly mask on but had to show everyone up again by wearing, as Pam so eloquently put it, his new "Burrdo".

Showed the house again this evening, they said they'd think about it.

I checked on everyone tonight and unplugged the two fans and they were sleeping and at peace. I am not looking forward to the heat tomorrow and wish it would be cooler.

The Fly Mask Debacle

One again here at Kindred Acres Farm another sighting of the latest in horse fashion and the traditional fly mask.  Preacher, determined to set a new fashion trend, refused to sport the boring and out dated fly mask ensemble and after rearranging and enhancing his fly mask appearance shocked onlookers yesterday.

Preacher, always a leader in smart horse etiquette and apparel, has left the horse fashion world reeling in disbelief.  Refusing to wear his eye mask over his eyes he donned it on his muzzle and arranged delicate burrs in a maraud of abstract design. Preacher, ahead of his time in horse fashion has done it again.

Pictures to follow, viewer discretion advised.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Echo Walks Over Tarp

I almost forgot that while the horses were milling about they were checking out all the stuff set up for practice. Echo did go over the tarp. If you ask him he'll deny it.

Barn Manager Does Some Down Time

For some reason my anxiety is off the charts again and I feel very depressed. I hate when that happens and I am going to try to kick myself in the pants it. The heat today was disappointing and I just felt off on everything so I just let myself crash for awhile.

The herd came in after their owners left at around 7:00.  Cody was at the gate first and I waited to see what Preacher would do. They all milled around and Preacher and Cody actually crossed their heads over their necks which made me feel very happy. Preacher let Cody go in first and then it was the same line up as always.

The little ones went out for 20 minutes and Little Bit went through the little gate and went to Echo. So, I fed them too.

The boarders did a great job cleaning and making the environment as nice as possible for horses and humans.

I went out and wacked some burr bushes down by hand after it cooled down and spread the manure.

I am afraid to hope for the family today taking the old house. One of the families who looked at it previously that was losing their home to foreclosure actually made a comment on facebook about putting a match to it. This got back to me through some people who know me who have horses. It is an old house but it is a good home and it isn't in foreclosure so enough said.

I forgot to mention that Emmie brought the first mouse in the barn last night. She is a good hunter and left it for us. She was back at the old house earlier today. Buttons chin looks better because we have been cleaning it out as much as possible.

The days are getting shorter which is a sign of the seasons changing. I don't mind the cold or the snow but I hate the daylight changes.

Annasaurus Rex

We see here Annasaurus Rex (Annabelle in a not so flattering photo). Much smaller than a horse but scarier by far when she can be hormonal (bird behaviorist friends pretend I didn't say that) and if she gets ticked she can fly over and bite the daylights out of you.

Better yet, she can look like a feathery white angel one second and be the beak of vengeance next. She growled at me once when she was really peeved and I backed away sloooowly!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Little Herd Went Out Late and Didn't Want to Come In

Kylie and I took a long walk in the dark tonight to find our horses. They were at the very end because they went out late. I worked Cody a little but didn't do much since he was trimmed this morning. He is moving more fluently.

What I find interesting is how much weight he is carrying. I haven't fed him any oats or anything but pasture and some hay. I've been told that unless horses are worked really hard that a good pasture is enough but never utilized the old one enough because I worked all day and didn't want to leave them out when I couldn't come home to let them in if it stormed etc.

The little ones have been out most of the time since they have been here at the new place and look just right. I hope to work some of the fat of Cody in the next few months and see some muscle. Very exciting stuff.

Wish I knew where the camera is

Annabelle loves Hank Williams and Willie Nelson. She will sing along and dance to the music when I am in the kitchen working. I would love to document this with a short video but of course camera is still hidden away somewhere. Cooper probably ate it. Cough it up dog...

Big Herd Grazes Till 5:00

The herd was out the longest they've been since coming here. They were very tired and happy to see their stalls today. I fed them since they had eaten so early today. They all found their way into the barn and through the arena.

Preacher was attacked by burrs and they managed to almost remove his fly mask. According to eye witnesses, the mask was hanging from his forelock and halter. He managed to escape unscathed otherwise and the burrs where disposed of in a manner befitting their offence.

The little herd was released to enjoy the rest of the afternoon and evening on the grass.

Michelle also had to deburr Satires tale relieving him of a colony of burrs that have taken up residence on his royal posterior.

Basically, everyone has got at least one burr on them but so it goes in the world of pasturing a horse.

It brings me great joy to see them all flow in and out and be comfortable in their new environment. It is very rewarding and I love them all.

Blacksmiths, Ex-husbands, and Nosy Horses

Today was a trim day for LA & Cody. LA has had some issues with his back leg and it sometimes takes a really long time for the blacksmith to pick one of his back feet up.  Randy has never trimmed LA before so we didn't know what to expect. Randy and LA were both on extra good behavior and every thing went smoothly and quickly. You would really never have known LA had a problem being trimmed on his back foot. Yeah, for LA.

Leaving ex-husband in charge of retrieving tractor bought at auction can make you anxious especially when he talks to a salesman. Now the tractor runs it is 55HP diesel and it is a 4x4 for $2700 so what's the problem. How about trading it for a smaller tractor with a bucket that is not a 4x4. Okay, smaller might be easier to drive maybe but diesel would be better than gas. Could it be that people have preferences? I don't know but I guess I'll find out.

Big herd is out on pasture and little herd is hanging out in their stalls. Little herd will have a nice evening in pasture and they can stay out later tonight.

Speaking of little.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Second Wind

Kylie and I came in because we were so tired and hungry. We ate something and had a visit from the neighbor who needed some wormer for his dog. I always have a broad spectrum wormer (Pancur) on hand for dogs and cats.

Kylie and I cleaned stalls and took Raul's wet area out. The horses came in around 9:00. Satire came first and waited till the food was ready and we led him in. We whistled and the other horses came down the shoot and we waited for them to figure out the dynamics of coming in. Preacher who I have shown twice how to get in came around with Rauls. Echo and LA caught on and came around last. They've got the in's and out's of it now even in the dark.

Kylie wanted to fool around with pony a bit so he did the PVC the tarp and the cones. He licked the tarp while standing on it so obviously he has been there and done that. We molested him with the green noodles and a little blanket. He licked my pants so nothing to report there!

So, all the little ponies are fed and tucked in without fly masks or halters. LA got his medicine.  Now it's time for the humans to actually have dinner and get some sleep. I still have a project due for class before midnight so I will go to sleep when I am done.

In the a.m. I should hear about the tractor. Hope it goes well and it turns out to be a decent tractor. Vodka...

Echo Went Over the PVC

Echo is over the PVC but of course not good enough to win the bet... yet. But he has leaped and jogged over it several times today. It was a lot of fun to spend time with Echo and Shirley.

Did a pet sit and groomed a dog for a friend.

May have another renter lined up we'll see.

Blacksmith coming tomorrow early in the morning.

Just Shoot Me Now

I received a voice mail from the family who I held the house for telling me they will be unable to rent it. I called my backup person and she is willing to give me a deposit next week. Of course now I am totally paranoid about it.

It is hard being in business and trying not to be callused and cutthroat people take advantage. Still, I know the Lord will bless me if I am obedient.


Pam took time to explain to me some of LA's past last night. He is a beautiful senior Arabian but is a little hesitant.  It's always important to know an animals story and past if the information is available. I love animals and relish every moment I get to spend with them.

I took a moment to work on bonding with LA this morning. One way to assist the bonding process with certain species is to interact with them when they are eating. I soothed LA while he ate his grain and groomed him with my hands, I was privileged to receive a nuzzle and allowed to feel inside both his ears today.

Thanks LA!

Case of the Missing Camera

Looking high and looking low where could you be in the chaos of moving and my busy life. Not to mention my 45-year-old brain. Would love to take pictures of my day, guess the iphone will have to do for now.

I love Cody so much

I spent a little time with Cody again tonight. He is moving better now and his back legs seem to be getting stronger. We can start working more when his hooves are trimmed. Cody is definitely benefiting from being on pasture almost all day. He is nice and round now! Soon it will be muscle but we will take it slow and easy as he has been in retirement for a long time.

Cody still remembers things and he is mellower now. I got lots of horse kisses and some grooming from him tonight. I do love him.

Echo gave me lots of nuzzles and kisses too. He's so very sweet sometimes :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I slept in today...

Yesterday was very tiring so I slept in a little later than usual but what a beautiful morning it was. It wasn't as busy today as yesterday but for sure I will be dreaming of green noodles tonight. I bet someone else will be too :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Okay so the day isn't over

Kylie wanted to play with pony and she wanted me to come out to the barn. Granted, I am very tired but I know I need to spend time with Kylie doing things besides work and school stuff. She is really enjoying getting pony back into shape and much to his dismay braiding his tail and mane.

I decided while she was playing around with grooming pony that I would exercise Mr. Cody and start working on getting some muscle on his hind quarters. He needs a trim and he is weak in his back legs so we walk and trot a little at a time. I must say it has been at least eight years since he's seen a PVC pipe but he only bulked for a  moment and then walked across it.

Lil Bit thrashed in his stall because both Cody and Pony where out and he wasn't and worse he can't see out because he is too short. So, maybe this is it this time... yawn

I repeat everything happens at once

Lets see... finished the groom and the neighbor thought he found something that would work as a harrow so I went next door to the tractor place to look. It wasn't something I could use.  I got a call about the last stall for rent and may have another boarder soon. A person with an older horse who is looking for a quiet place.

Cody and small herd came in around 3:30 and the big herd went out to the big pasture. They stayed out till six and when I did Raul's food he mysteriously appeared in the arena alone. I was surprised to see Rauls alone as he likes to stay close to the herd. It is interesting that the herd did not approach the barn until I measured their feed out and they were some distance away.

We let Rauls in his stall and then the rest of the herd showed up. They waited at the door instead of moving to the arena to come in. They went back to the pasture and I whistled again and they came again but didn't go to the arena. I decided to walk towards the back of the barn and they followed and then figured out they should go into the arena and wait. We brought them through one by one and all went perfect.

This is only the second evening since moving where we have come in early enough to cook super. Annabelle can now see the kitchen and cried the whole time while I fried potatoes. She loves potatoes and just has no patience.  We discovered that she has fear of potholders.  She acts like we are chasing her with a butcher knife when she sees one in our hands. It is hard to cook and not use a potholder so she will have to overcome her phobia of the evil potholders plotting against her in the kitchen.

I have studying to do and am pretty sleepy so I will be going to bed soon. Tomorrow Kylie will try school again and the day should be a little slower. Maybe I'll be lucky and win a secret bet tomorrow... ha

Everything always comes at once

Today I was out at the block building by 7:30 to receive a dog I am grooming for a rescue group. At the same time Kylie is getting up to start school online.  The dog was slow going because he is sweet but I believe unaccustomed to being groomed and he had some mats etc. We worked for awhile on him and then I fed the horses, let mine out, picked their stalls, and then went in to make some calls.

We had a pet sit at 11:30 and had to stop at the pet store for parrot food. Back to the block building to check on the dog Grayson.  It was time for Grayson to have a bath and get dried and brushed.  He did well with the bath and was again pretty concerned with the dryer so we took our time. He is now air drying for awhile and I will finish trimming him and do his nails.

Grayson, I have learned in a very short time is very smart. He's a beautiful dog and will need someone to work with him because he does well when he knows what you expect of him. He has been patient and although he wishes to avoid things he does not snap. Obedience training some firmness and again knowing what is expected of him is the ticket.

Now time to help Kylie with her school and then bring our horses in to let the larger herd out. Of course, more later...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Shirley came through with a great photo!

I'm not used to having fun

Since I started with this barn I have had a lot of fun. This was an especially fun day for me cause I got to play with Echo and Shirley. Echo is very sweet but stubborn and it's funny to see his personality emerge. Teasing Shirley is an extra treat of course.

It was nice to visit with Shirley's sister and Pam while doing chores. The herd was very anxious to get out and get another taste of the big pasture. Hopefully Shirley got a good picture of Little Bit harassing Echo which if she did I would love to post on this blog.

Today was phone call day and I have another person interesting in renting the house but I am still hoping the other family will solidify the deal on Saturday.

The big red tractor may be here soon. I think Vodka would be a good name for this Russian beauty. It better be beautiful! Hopefully it won't be too intimidating because I am scared of heights. All those levers... I better get my sharpie ready to put notes on it so I don't forget and do something crazy with them. I'd hate to loose control and crash into anything. I think I'll have to take driving lessons for awhile so I might have to borrow some cones (LOL). I better make sure the horn works just in case.

Tomorrow school starts for Kylie. I am excited for her and hope she does well.

Chores and meditation go hand in hand

It occurred to me today while sweeping up the barn that it is pretty incredible that I would be blessed with such a life. I had to think about how everything has fallen into place to date. The Lord has blessed me in abundance and I have to reflect on who and how He pours His blessings through.

First, what seemed to be a blow when my salaried position in regulatory compliance was eliminated four years ago turned out to be great because I landed in a branch seven miles from home. (They couldn't reduce my income).

Second, although I never really jelled with the branch associates I have met wonderful people and befriended many branch customers. Who would have known that those customers would change and enhance my life so much. They all just happen to be believers.

Third, I went back to school and so many people were so supportive of my decision, I gained enough confidence in being successful in going back to school that I started to like myself again.

Fourth, my anxiety level was off the charts when dealing with so much stress the last few months of branch life and a dysfunctional environment. It was clear I was ready to make a decision and didn't make it alone. I prayed and my prayers were heard and one thing led to another. I love pet sitting and dog grooming.

Fifth, the granddaddy of them all... after driving by this place on my road for three years imagining that I would never have a chance at it, here I am.  All those years of banking of which I fell into at a young age paid off in the negotiation process. The Lord sent me to finance school. All the years I have had Cody at home and cleaning the old place up was farm school. The bank was generous with shares which I was able to use for a down payment after leaving the company. Again, the Lord provided.

Sixth, the best.  It has taken a community to get us this far. Friends from church have moved us and they have donated their precious time to help in anyway they can. The Lord has sent the best boarders I could have imagined and horses that are very easy to work with. He has sent me a mechanic as a neighbor, buyers for stone, my old neighbor to refer grooming business, families that home school, an excellent hay provider. My daughter's father has sent her brothers to do work I couldn't do and he has given me much advise.

I'm sure my list isn't finished or complete but when I meditate on my blessings I have to give the credit where credit is due. For it takes His grace and the community of people to carry His blessings along. I hope very much that He uses us to do for others and be a blessing as well.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day full of surprises

Started day with chores and jumped on the computer to do some work and a friend comes by and offers to buy us breakfast. We decided to go and it was a nice time. Kylie and I went to old house to start taking pictures off the walls and move them here.

I was able to put the gate across the shavings so some little naughty horses don't get themselves into trouble. I think I mini proofed the arena gate as he always sneak through it.

While I am typing I am in the sun room with Annabelle the cockatoo. She is out of her cage and is threatening to come down and see me. She tells me she loves me and hello and coos to me to get my attention. Now she is asking what I am doing.

I got a call for another pet sitting gig and an opportunity to groom some so prayers are being answered. Now it is time to start my homework for this week!

Good Morning! It's cool out I love it!

Fed the horses this morning and started LA's change over to a different grain. Let my horses out and checked the pasture water. The plan today is to leave the little herd out till about 4:00 and then bring them in so the big herd can go out for about two hours and come in for feeding.

I have not spent as much time with my birds so this morning I let Lowkie and Roxy out of their cages for a break. Lowkie is calling to me now because he is very bonded with me he is a Pionus parrot and he is very sweet. It has been so hot we have had the ceiling fans going non-stop so that is a no-no for birds out of cages. Today we can shut the one down in the sun room and let them stretch their wings some.

I have a little fountain in the kitchen and when Lowkie hears it he takes a bath in his water dish and splashes water everywhere He is very cute. Roxy is a Velcro bird and likes to be on shoulders but will hang out with Lowkie who doesn't like to be crowded. Roxy will preen your face and give kisses! She is a cockatiel.

Today my classes start and I will have to stay on the ball but it will be easier than the last math class. I'd rather have my eyes gouged with a pencil than take that class again. Kylie's classes start on Wednesday.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Today in Fairlawn

We did go grocery shopping today too. Kylie had a gift card for Walmart and some money she earned recently. She bought fabric for her projects and some treats at World Market. While in the parking lot someone saw my sign on my car and asked if I could pet sit her dog and I told her I also groomed. She said she would call me soon to groom her husky as she does not like taking her to Petsmart.

I am very pleased to pick up new customers. I start a regular pet sitting gig this Tuesday that is for a teacher and she will need me some every week. I am getting more business each month so that is good but need more!

Raul's leaves his calling card

A very relaxing Sunday

The larger herd went out to the big pasture today and looked very happy and relaxed. The two German Shepard's belonging to the neighbor who sometimes like to run the fence line were a nuisance but the horses ignored them for the most part. My little herd stands and grazes next to them as if they weren't there. 

I took the bungee cord off of the larger gate and replaced it with chain and a proper fastener then mowed a bit. Got Cody's salt block holder up and moved the manure spreader out of the way. I believe I will need the big spreader in the spring when I spread a large pile but I don't think I will need it most of the time. My little cart seems to do the job very well. 

Thanks to Pam for her tips on picking stalls and using baking soda! Stall management is shaping up very nicely and I am very pleased that the process is clean and efficient. I will be interested to see if the horses gain weight from the pasture and I have limited my little herd because they started looking like ball park franks :) 

Feeding this morning

I am going to try to take it easy to day and remember the sabbath even though I didn't have enough steam this morning to drag Kylie out of bed to go to church. She is so tired and sometimes she just needs her sleep. Kylie works hard to help me in the barn. It's hard for me not to work because I see things and want to get it done.

Heard a sharp kick this morning when I was finishing chores. A pony and miniature horse were reminding me that they didn't get any hay. They are to short to hang their heads out and I was so focussed on feeding the other horses that I overlooked them. Of course they are on pasture almost all day so they only need a nibble but they don't like being left out.

That reminds me of the big and the small of it. It seems Lil Bit is very taken with Echo a large young warm blood in our barn. Lil Bit walks over to say hello to Echo and they sniff and Echo squeals like a girl and Lil Bit just keeps getting closer. I will have to take a picture of this because it is very cute.

Fixed the doors today that Daniel keeps escaping through to get into the barn. He has pushed his way through twice in the middle of the night when going out to potty and I have to put shoes on and go fetch him. Daniel is the sweetest dog he is a virtual puppy even though he is huge.

I am now going to attempt to sit on the sofa and watch some TV or take a nap. It's hard to do but I am going to try it!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Time to stop cluttering up facebook

I love to post on Facebook but I am guessing not everyone wants to read detailed posts about farm things like manure and mechanicals. I love having a farm and working with animals. We recently were blessed with a wonderful place that includes an arena, a seven stall barn, and six acres. The house was not in great condition but the place otherwise is perfect.

I have horse boarders who are really wonderful and a dog grooming shop on the property. It is a start up business so it will take time to build up a client base. The last six months have been like living in whirl wind since I resigned from my banking job.

I pet sit which is a wonderful job because it gives pet owners peace of mind when they leaver their pets and I get paid to play with animals. I can't think of anything better and it makes me very happy to pursue my passions.

I'm not the greatest picture taker so lets hope I get better at it so that this blog can be interesting and entertaining!