We had a total of 14 dogs here the past few days. Nine dogs from one family were in the kennel and they went home Sunday evening. Yesterday was a clean up day for the barn and the block building and things started to look normal again.
Today, I spent mostly mowing and cleaning up the tall grass beyond the parking area. It looks much better now and I also hooked up an extra hose for water in the pasture, mowed along the bank as far as I could along the driveway, chopped down a Sumac sapling, moved old gates out of the way and used a small rake implement on the little tractor to level out some manure and tall grass.
I took some baling twine and rigged a post to keep pressure on it so the split rail fencing wouldn't fall again. I tied the twine to the two posts and used a stick to twist it tight. I have one more place I want to fix on the fence and I will be happy. Ben came down and helped Kylie move some more rubber gravel over in front of the kennel area.
Mare Girl got her stitches out and surprised the Vet at the door as Mare Girl was ready to go out. She is very spirited now and is putting on weight. She charged one of the geldings with her mouth open, spun and kicked as high as she could. I am happy to see the spunk in her and to see her eyes bright.
Tomorrow I hope to get some house cleaning done and I will feel like everything is right in the world at least for a day or two.