Sunday, June 26, 2011

Riding again

Over slept this morning which doesn't happen very often but I so needed to sleep in. The day was a busy one but I rode with Shirley and we had a great time. Shirley let Kylie and I ride Preacher with an English saddle and I must be getting back into shape because it felt great!

I am starting to feel a little better now and less overwhelmed. I think a few more nights sleeping and pacing myself more will help. Of course, riding is the best medicine. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Emmie demands the manure wagon be emptied (if only she could reach the peddles)

Echo's boo boo foot

Taking naps

Kylie's sewing experiments

Kylie and Ouren having a blast

I do not love ground hogs!

On the way to fishing Sunday

Alas, romance crashes to the ground and burns

Before getting to my tale of woe, things here at the farm have been going fast and furious with some fun thrown in. I have ridden Cody which is just great for me and gives me such peace and happiness. We have had several dogs boarded here and a little terrier we named Chewy left with us to find a home. Friends are working on finding a home for Chewy who is so adorable.

Now.... romance. A friend is still a friend so all is not lost but it is time to start dating again. A man who is settled and secure with himself and wants a deeper relationship. Of course taunting the man who wanted a "friendly relationship" instead of a real one will be fun. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wrapping up the chaos and getting things done

We had a total of 14 dogs here the past few days. Nine dogs from one family were in the kennel and they went home Sunday evening. Yesterday was a clean up day for the barn and the block building and things started to look normal again.

Today, I spent mostly mowing and cleaning up the tall grass beyond the parking area. It looks much better now and I also hooked up an extra hose for water in the pasture, mowed along the bank as far as I could along the driveway, chopped down a Sumac sapling, moved old gates out of the way and used a small rake implement on the little tractor to level out some manure and tall grass.

I took some baling twine and rigged a post to keep pressure on it so the split rail fencing wouldn't fall again. I tied the twine to the two posts and used a stick to twist it tight. I have one more place I want to fix on the fence and I will be happy. Ben came down and helped Kylie move some more rubber gravel over in front of the kennel area.

Mare Girl got her stitches out and surprised the Vet at the door as Mare Girl was ready to go out. She is very spirited now and is putting on weight. She charged one of the geldings with her mouth open, spun and kicked as high as she could. I am happy to see the spunk in her and to see her eyes bright.

Tomorrow I hope to get some house cleaning done and I will feel like everything is right in the world at least for a day or two.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A record month for Kindred Acres

Tomorrow we will have 13 dogs kenneled here because of the vacation season. We finished up a three week job for pet sitting tonight off the farm and it was just in time for kennel chaos! We are also checking on a sick goat once a day this week and helping flush a couple of abscesses.

We are also getting booked for the next three months which is again awesome. I love what I do and especially here on the farm between caring for dogs and horses. I meet great people and their pets are all unique and sweet. They teach me new things all the time!

I have to stop and thank God for His mercy and many blessings in my life. I have a beautiful daughter and a wonderful, exciting life. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Heidi patiently waiting

A very nice weekend, busy but a blast

My brother came down Friday night and we went to the store and got some groceries. I was up very early Saturday and went to Home Depot, did a pet sit, the usual chores and let nine dogs out in the kennel.

I came home and worked on an outside enclosure I made for the kennel and my brother helped clean up the arena. It seems like the rest of Saturday was a blur except we all went over to Griff's for hot dogs. I spent some time visiting with him and then it was back to work. Greg and I sat on the front porch and talked and laughed about things we had both done when we were younger. Greg is a great brother and friend, we are very close. Kylie and uncle Greg do things together and she loves to show him things she's made and is interested in on the internet.

Sunday was hang a door day which took forever because the door was to big and we had to get one cut at Home Depot. In spite of the fact it was frustrating we had a good time doing it and we learned from our mistakes. Later Sunday we went to Griff's for guess what? Food! His daughter and grandson were there visiting and we gave Auron his grandson a hair cut, he is only four but so very cute.

Back to work for the rest of the day again but we got caught up and there will plenty to do for the rest of the week to be sure. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Soooooooooo tired now

We have nine dogs in the kennel and one coming for daycare tomorrow! Plus we are still doing a pet sit during the day and of course there are our fur babies and the horses and Nana to take care of!

Things are hopping and I love it. It was hot today and we were on the move. We had a private session in the arena with a trainer, client and pit bull too. Griff stopped by with coffee and donuts and luckily didn't have to throw them in the air and run! I hate to see a good donut go to waste. Hay was delivered, a leak fixed and now it is past my bedtime and I am feeling it.

Tomorrow we are going out for a movie in the evening as I have two free tickets for Kylie and I and Griff is coming along to buy the refreshments. He is even going to go into Fairlawn with us which he hates cause it's crowded. I think going out away from the work will do us good and we don't do it often enough. This place is sort of like reality TV and never dull but a break is good.

Okay, early morning tomorrow but it should be cooler and so I will sleep well and drink lots of coffee in the morning!

Kindred Acres Salad Bar

The water leak repair finally

Hitching a ride

A visitor at dusk

Hair ties...

I spend too much time looking for hair ties in the morning that I think I've miss placed. Bought a new pack of them and then made a discovery when I took one out on the couch. Cooper eats hair ties.... the mystery is solved, the little booger!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Absolute joy!

Today was a wild day from the start. Mr. Graham stopped by to give me an estimate on fixing the water leak, Brian stopped by to drop off a hay elevator to use for the hay delivery tomorrow and the boarders came down late evening to play with their horses.

I worked on the block building all evening to get it ready for kenneling 9 dogs and the usual chores. All the horses went out after the storm we had this morning and Mare Girl seems to be getting some more energy and spirit. William is improving his attitude and seems to be less anxious.

The absolute pinnacle of the day was the ride I took on Cody, who is the love of my life when I can take the time to ride him. We took a cruise down the long driveway and over to Griff's house for a visit and then out to the pasture. Cody seemed to enjoy exploring like he used to when we'd go on trail rides. He's filled out nicely on the pasture grass and we even took a little jump in the arena. No stress, just a nice casual ride around and being out in the sunlight. I thanked God to be able to ride him again like I used to years ago if even just for a few minutes! 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Positives everywhere

I spent time with a good friend this weekend who I enjoy doing things with of the male persuasion believe it or not. I did not do much work on digging the water line up and will have to focus on it again during the week. Shirley and I hung fans from the ceiling in the barn yesterday and I did my pet sit and this and that around the farm.

Today I cleaned the stalls but the rest of the time I took it easy and just hung out. Kylie is back and had a great time with her friends at Kalahari. I have a lot to do tomorrow with plenty of phone calls. Jennifer came for her class today and we talked with another trainer about agility classes and so I need to find some equipment. It was also decided that eventually herding classes will be taught here so hopefully we will find sheep and a couple of goats. I have wanted to move in this direction for a long time and now I have met people who can teach it.

My computer is dying so I'll continue this later!

The infamous hot tub next door (yes I finally tried it out)

Griff having fun with a friends car

Satire and Cody playing around

Meeting new herdies across the gate

Clearing up another pile on the farm

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Today was really fun and my life takes a turn again

Yesterday was a bit frustrating but today good things happened all day. I am sort of getting involved with someone new who has been really patient and good to me for almost a year. I feel comfortable getting closer and so things are moving in a forward direction. I'm happy and it is becoming less complicated.

Kylie had a great time today going to an art exhibit with Ben and his family. We discovered that we have a water leak that will have to be dug up and fixed. I will do the digging but will have to find someone to help fix the plastic pipes.

The horses enjoyed the cooler temperatures as did I. I didn't get have the things done today that I needed to but I will continue to try tomorrow. For one thing, the house needs another good cleaning. I hate when things get dusty and dirty but it can be a challenges sometimes to do the cleaning with so much going on. I did groom a dog today which was unexpected and we will have Scrappy coming in tomorrow. I am also doing a long term pet sit for someone for most of June.

Tomorrow will be interesting as I have several appointments and someone is coming to take some boulders I sold. I also have to meet with an accountant. I better go to bed now as I will have to hit the ground running in the morning.