We started out with feeding the horses at 8:00 today then we went to the farm we are sitting for our last visit. We got back around 11:00 and we had helpers here to work on the fence (Yippee!) Around noon Michelle brought Marley her dog over for a shave and bath. I finished Marley around 1:00 and started to help with the fence again. We fed Satire and I visited with Michelle the boarder and William Raul's owner.
We finished up work on the fence and went to do a pet sit at one of my client's house and I took Kylie to get a birthday present for a friend and then dropped her off at her friends for a sleepover. I came back to the farm and did the chores but I will soon be leaving for another pet sit. Still two papers to write and another feeding for Satire.
Good long day for sure but much accomplished. Thanks to my neighbor Andrew I have the mother of all leaf blowers for the barn. He sold me his electric one because he has a huge gas powered one now. I missed my little one Dave let me borrow because I could clean up the barn at night very fast and was spoiled. Unfortunately, the barn was too much for it and it pooped out (no pun intended).
I am sorry about my own little ones, it has been a week or two since I've really spent time with the birds and bunny. The dogs are near me most of the time but the little creatures I must stop and give them some attention. Cages need to be cleaned etc. I am hoping once the fence is done and I have a break from school I will be able to get to other things and get Kylie on a better schedule.
Here is a picture of the cows waiting for me to throw them their hay. I enjoyed the farm sitting and will see them again!
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