I love them all. The horses, the dogs, the rabbit, the birds, the cats. I revel in every moment of the day with them and with my daughter Kylie. I am jealous of my time and protect it. Although, some days can be difficult for one reason or another. One reason today is sawdust and the fact that the dogs pulled down a plate of Baklava off the counter and ate it. Oh, and did I mention moody men...
I still rejoice in the seasons good or bad, the land and my companions here. The more I work the stronger I get and the more confident I feel. God has a plan for us I know. I am resigned to just go with it, go where He leads. Abraham was sent out into a new land without really anything excepts God's promise. The story of Noah speaks for itself etc. Who am I to question God's plan for my future or making a life here on this farm. I must learn to accept God's gifts and believe in His wisdom without question or worry.
Kylie had a great moment with her horse Aubrey. She lunged him tonight and he did a marvelous job for her. She felt very good about it and I was very proud of her. I took some time to reconnect with Cody tonight and just play with him. He is so wonderful and I don't stop and take enough time for him many days. He has his pasture mates but I need to do my part and spend time with him. I also need to ride him.
Sleepy now and looking forward to an exciting day tomorrow in the barn. It is a pleasure to pour coffee and walk to the barn in the morning. I get caught up in what I am doing and the morning flies by but it seldom feels like work. This is all very good.
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