1. Get Alone With God. (Put the world behind you, and seek the kingdom of God when you
2. Pray In The Name Of Jesus. Recognize Jesus’ Dominion, Authority, Power, & Glory
(There is no greater name in heaven or in earth. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God
3. Pray For The Lord To Be Glorified By Answering Your Prayer. (Can you see God’s
glory in the simple act of giving you a piece of bread? Even the very hairs of your head are
numbered. Jesus knows His sheep individually)
4. Have Faith. Believe and Trust In God. (Otherwise why even bother to open your mouth.
You must believe that God is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.)
5. Be Clear, Definite, and Specific. (God is not the author of confusion. He gives us a spirit
of a sound mind.)
6. Be Humble. (Only the blood of Jesus allows us to kneel in the presence of the living God.)
7. Lift Up Holy Hands.(Show submission and reverence to the Almighty)
8. Be Persistent. (Like the widow, keep on asking. Keep on seeking. Keep on knocking.
Wrestle in prayer like Jacob wrestled with the angel).
9. Be Bold. (Through Jesus, we have confidence to boldly approach the throne of glory to
receive mercy so that we have grace in times of need)
10. Pray With Understanding Concerning The Will Of God. (With all your getting, get
understand. Jesus was manifested to destroy the works of the devil. God is the Father of
Light. In Him is no darkness. Sin shall not have dominion over you. Jesus said “Get
behind Me, Satan!” God’s thoughts toward you are peace, and not evil, to bring you to an
expected end.)
11. Thank God for His Mercy, Even In Allowing You To Pray. (Jesus is the author and
finisher of our faith. God’s mercy and goodness is forever.)
12. Be Watchful. Look and listen. (Expect to see results. Stand and see the salvation of the
Excellent post and a good reminder of how to go to God in prayer. Always through Jesus His son.