Friday, February 24, 2012

Mare, some not so good news

Mare Girl is a senior who came to us from an elderly owner who wanted a place for Mare to stay and be happy in her twilight years. Mare had a problem with her eye and then developed a respiratory infection and it was time for the vet to come out. The respiratory infection was simple as it required some antibiotics but her eye may have the beginnings of glaucoma. According to the Dr. Naso it can become a very painful condition and it may be necessary to remove Mares eye. I have seen horses with a missing eye and they can get along well but because of the cost of the surgery it is a guarantee that Mare will be put down instead.

I am saying a prayer for Mare that her eye can be treated for awhile without her being in pain and also that maybe I can ask for some donations to save her instead of putting her down. I am not a non-profit and the owner is on a fixed income so I know she doesn't have the means to do anymore financially, I understand that older horses have to go sometime but my dilemma with Mare is her love of life and her goodness. To me her life is still valuable. I have gotten a $100 pledge from another animal lover and if it comes down to surgery maybe we can scrape up some of the $600 and save her from an untimely end.

In the meantime I am administering the meds to Mares eye and hoping for the best. 

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