Today was one of those days when things just wen't wrong from the start. Last night I woke up and puked so I am not sure if I had a 24 hour bug. Kylie got up this morning and made biscuits then went to let the ponies out and when she came back she asked me why I ate them all. Well it turns out Micah went counter surfing, he has looked guilty all day long.
We ended up having to get firewood this afternoon and I backed the truck out and caught the mirror and smashed it. I am usually really good at negotiating space but I wasn't paying attention like I should so it was just the mirror not the whole thing that got busted. It happens...
Next, the ponies got into the dry shredded beet pulp but we caught them before they ate much of it and then they got into the bucket (with a lid) and ate all of the soaked beet pulp. We checked them tonight and they seem to be okay, it was shredded and doesn't absorb much water and beet pulp is safe for horses in general. They didn't get their late night snack though and were bummed, we figured they'd had enough today.
So, the cold snowy day ended with a few bumps but nothing too terrible. I used to have some pretty bad days so this I can live with. We have some very special animal personalities around here and it really is never dull.
I am hoping I am not feeling sick tomorrow, that there is a little sunshine and that the ponies and Micah don't end up on the naughty list again.
We ended up having to get firewood this afternoon and I backed the truck out and caught the mirror and smashed it. I am usually really good at negotiating space but I wasn't paying attention like I should so it was just the mirror not the whole thing that got busted. It happens...
Next, the ponies got into the dry shredded beet pulp but we caught them before they ate much of it and then they got into the bucket (with a lid) and ate all of the soaked beet pulp. We checked them tonight and they seem to be okay, it was shredded and doesn't absorb much water and beet pulp is safe for horses in general. They didn't get their late night snack though and were bummed, we figured they'd had enough today.
So, the cold snowy day ended with a few bumps but nothing too terrible. I used to have some pretty bad days so this I can live with. We have some very special animal personalities around here and it really is never dull.
I am hoping I am not feeling sick tomorrow, that there is a little sunshine and that the ponies and Micah don't end up on the naughty list again.
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