Within the last two weeks I have learned about chickens, goats, and sheep. Today I helped my hay farmer worm his sheep, there were about 20 all together. I liked the sheep they were timid but I understand herding and moving herds and they were easier to worm than horses who don't like to be wormed. The farmer caught them and held them and I wormed them with a syringe like lightening. Three of them looked pretty bad because they weren't as immune to the worms but they will perk up now that they got a full dose of medicine and are sectioned off so they won't have to compete for food with so many others.
I don't like to see animals of any kind overcrowded or in distress, I was happy to help and he will give me hay for our ponies if I go and lend a helping hand. I have to clean a chicken coop out tonight which will be interesting I am sure.
I am pretty good at milking a goat now too. I am sure the goat is happy I am getting better and faster, she is a very sweet and patient goat and I like taking care of her.
I am wondering what will be next on my agenda of learning to care for different varieties of animals.
I don't like to see animals of any kind overcrowded or in distress, I was happy to help and he will give me hay for our ponies if I go and lend a helping hand. I have to clean a chicken coop out tonight which will be interesting I am sure.
I am pretty good at milking a goat now too. I am sure the goat is happy I am getting better and faster, she is a very sweet and patient goat and I like taking care of her.
I am wondering what will be next on my agenda of learning to care for different varieties of animals.
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