Sunday, April 14, 2019

Spring and all its glory

Spring is a magnificent catalyst, the beginning of vibrant colors, a surge of energy and creation.  I have enjoyed being close to nature in the past but living here in a more natural environment and with a pond that has a very healthy ecosystem I find myself even more deeply submerged in the natural world.

During the past two weeks I have witnessed a dormant landscape gradually awaken, with each day of sunlight the grass has greened and the trees have sprouted their buds. Insects, snakes, and bullfrogs all emerging into the warm of the sun.

Along with the emergence of hibernating creatures, birds have returned, skunks and groundhogs are seen and the deer run through the backwoods. There is a great deal of busyness going on as well, the dance of courtship, battles between males and the intense preparation for the new life that will come soon.

I have been given the privilege of sharing something that most deeply touches my heart, it fills me with wonderment and admiration, it is motherhood. I have witnessed the fierceness of mother cats protecting their young, I've watched the tender way they care for their kittens. I've seen the tiniest birds attack and chase birds of prey away from their nest, relentlessly diving and striking them until they flee.

Since I have a pond I have waterfowl, namely geese. I have domestic geese and now a pair of wild geese have decided to nest by the pond. There are two nests, one in the barn with Penny sitting on it and she will not leave it for more than a few minutes a day for about a month. Burt the gander who is normally gentle is now brave and vigilant.

The wild geese have a nest close to the pond where the orchard is just next to a log. The father is near and watches the entire pond and surrounding area, he chases anything he deems a threat. The mother is hunkered down on the nest, she raises her head only slightly when she hears anything near.

I wasn't sure if the wild geese would permit me to walk around the pond without chasing but they have not. The father will walk into the pond and swim a few feet a way but neither he or the mother seem overly concerned about my presence.

Soon the fish in the pond will spaun, they are already busy at work making their little places close to the water's edge where they will lay their eggs. As the weeks go by the fish will become very feisty and defend that little area in the sand and gravel that they have claimed for their own.

On a recent walk around the pond I strolled by where mother goose is on her nest, I felt her eyes boring into me and looked to see her indeed staring at me. Father goose swam closer to see what was going on. I snapped a couple of pictures, you can see mother goose's head just peering over the log at me.

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