Saturday, April 11, 2020

Time just flew

I haven't signed in for awhile but didn't realize it has been almost a year. Last spring, summer and fall were dominated by my job, I worked long hours for months. We are busy again even with the virus that has shut many businesses down.

Having a farm and all the animals and working full-time is a real challenge,  of course my heart is in the farm but I have a lot of mouths to feed. My brother moved out in March which made things a little easier, he wasn't the neatest person and sometimes made more work for me. I love my brother but I don't necessarily want him to live here.

My brother moved back to Cleveland where he has more access to the things and services he needs, living out here a way from everything wasn't the best thing for him either.

All of the animals are doing well, the barn cats keep having kittens. I have caught as many as I can and taken them to spay and neuter places but right now there are no clinics that will do it for a reduced price or if the cats are trapped. I expect there will be more kittens soon, I have been able to finds homes for some but it is still an ongoing problem.

Last summer we ended up with cats that were feral but being fed by a neighbor and they had kittens and the neighbors moves so the Mommas brought them here, one momma is a little crippled cat, she only has three legs. We bottle fed 2 of crippled momma's kittens because she couldn't care for all of hers, one kitten made it and one did not. I never can not grieve when life is lost, it hurt a lot to loose that little one.

It was a mild winter, we really didn't get the freeze we normally do and the animals outside and nature bounce back and forth trying to adjust. Spring is early and the farm is changing to a sleeping landscape to a lush, budding green one.

The fish are up in the pond and hungry, I have started feeding them already. During the winter months I miss their little faces, I am still waiting for the snapping turtles to reappear. The geese have spend most of the winter on the pond since it hadn't frozen for very long this winter.

My mind is clearer now that spring has come and I have more time alone to contemplate things. I have decided to work on my animal communication skills. I have known for a long time that I could communicate with animals through feelings and seeing pictures and just knowing things. I haven't tried it with anyone else's animals but I am certain now I can do it with my own.

I am not sure where this will lead other than bring me closer to my own animals, I miss Daniel too and think of him every day, I am hoping that I will be able to connect with him in some way.

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