Our first Christmas in this new place, a warm house that's cozy, a wonderful barn, two ancient oak trees, land, my lovely animals and many good friends.

All the stalls are clean and the everyone got Christmas Eve hay and fresh water in their buckets. My wonderful brother bought each dog a toy for under the tree at the dollar store. Kylie and her dad had a great afternoon shopping together and I worked till noon. I am happy to do a job that keeps me at home but will pay bills. It is also interesting to find that there are many generous people willing to give of their time and genuinely care about the cause they volunteer to help. I am doing my part to help too and I talk to many senior who are just glad to speak to someone.
Christmas 2010 and the Lord has blessed me very much and I am thankful for His greatest blessings, His Son, His Love, and His Salvation. Sheppard's, a manger, lovely animals all surrounding the King of Kings how perfect.
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