The furnace in the block building decided to go off and on and off again and the Chihuahuas have very little fur and so I had to put them in the basement or they would be Chihua-cycles by morning. It took me forever to get just two stalls done with phone calls, my neighbor on the other side who helped me start putting together a dog run in the block building and a zillion other things.
I quit long enough to make a run for sawdust and ended up missing a turn because Griff went with me and we were yakking and ended up in Barberton and then got lost. We found our way back, hit the feed store and I made it home just in time to finish chores and run in and get on the phone for work.
Nanna |
Tomorrow will be Chihuahua sitting, stalls in the a.m. and maybe a little shopping. I think a nap would be in order to as today will eventually catch up with me. Although I could don some horns a tail and a pitch fork and have a little more fun getting into some more mischief, we'll see and also I am sure the caffeine in my system will spur me on.
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