Monday, December 27, 2010

Mischief, Snow and Getting Lost Close to Home

Mmmm.... I just woke up today wanting to stir up things! So, I called and sent texts to the ex-husband to get him all twisted up. My dad who came for a visit the night before decided he wanted to leave his two little Chihuahuas with me for two weeks and dropped them off this morning. Of course he got stuck in the driveway so I had to pull him out with the help of my neighbor Andrew and big yellow (my big bright yellow Dodge Ram).

The furnace in the block building decided to go off and on and off again and the Chihuahuas have very little fur and so I had to put them in the basement or they would be Chihua-cycles by morning. It took me forever to get just two stalls done with phone calls, my neighbor on the other side who helped me start putting together a dog run in the block building and a zillion other things.

I quit long enough to make a run for sawdust and ended up missing a turn because Griff went with me and we were yakking and ended up in Barberton and then got lost. We found our way back, hit the feed store and I made it home just in time to finish chores and run in and get on the phone for work.

The evening went okay as I am still adjusting to having the job from home on the phones. The dogs and the bird Nanabelle Sugie were all good and didn't make a lot of noise. Kylie's dad Dave came by (the ex) and helped her with a project and they had some fun.  

Tomorrow will be Chihuahua sitting, stalls in the a.m. and maybe a little shopping. I think a nap would be in order to as today will eventually catch up with me. Although I could don some horns a tail and a pitch fork and have a little more fun getting into some more mischief, we'll see and also I am sure the caffeine in my system will spur me on.

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