Sunday, February 13, 2011

It's thawing, ice, and happier times

I was feeling whooped this morning so I fed the horses and went back to sleep. I took my time getting going until about 1:00. My brother and I made a trip to the store and I picked up some Sudafed which has made me feel much better.

Shirley and I played around with hoses and we tried to dig out the sliding door on the side of the barn but it is too soon. The ice and snow on the roof of the arena has finally slid off and what is left on the horse barn is just about down also.

We cleaned stalls this evening and it was nice not to freeze our fannies off for a change. Cody was lame yesterday and he was stiff in his legs tonight but not limping. Aubrey got some loving and petting and playing in the arena and angel went out for a little while too.

The wind has picked up outside because I can hear it. The driveway has frozen for the night and is very icy. It will be slippery till everything melts. I am looking forward to the warmer weather this week. I drove Big Red today and it enjoyed it more because of the warmer air up there!

I drove on the higher ground on the pasture and through some of the trees. One thing I have to say for it is there is plenty of traction and I feel confident it will be reliable regardless of the weather. 

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