Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 3 continued

Kylie and I went to the court and talked with Lloyd while we were waiting. Lloyd had not seen Kylie since she was about 6 or 7 years old, he was surprised and she and him did a little mental sparring. The  hearing started late and Lloyd as always was very factual to the point and composed. He had written a brief and filed a motion prior to the hearing. There were two technical points he brought to the magistrates attention and she felt in favor of them. She also pointed out that basically if this was a rental/eviction issue that $22,500 was not a simple deposit etc. So she felt the situation was pretty muddied.

We have a little more time because the other side has to produce some documents before any action moving us to the next level can be taken.

It is very clear that the sellers need to sell so that leaves me with trying to find a temporary investor or finding a place to move. Both of these things I am working on feverishly. I am exhausted, I didn't think I would be able to get through the hearing, my heart just felt like it was going to explode. The other attorney started making some ugly comments and got really mad but the magistrate didn't allow it. The animosity in the room was very heavy, again as if I was a dead beat.

I'm giving this one over to God as His victory because it could have easily gone the other way, we had very little to throw at them.

Please everyone keep praying and reaching out, this is far from over.

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